Cookie mix production is finally in full swing and Cookie Central (AKA the granny flat kitchen) is proving ideal.  My application to register my business with the local council was approved and we passed the Environmental Health officer’s visit with flying colours (we’d even bathed the dog, but that was pure coincidence – honest! – Poor hound can’t understand why she’s not allowed into the kitchen with me, when she’s allowed into every other room in the house.)

I have cupboards full of lovely, organic, fairly traded ingredients and boxes of jars, cartons and stickers to turn into prettily packaged mixes.  Yesterday’s mix-du-jour was Tastes Like Christmas – spiced cranberry and sultana cookies.  Today I’m concentrating on My Sweet Choc Chip.  Why these two in particular?  I’ve got my first order!  I’ve also booked stalls at five craft fairs, a total of eight days in all.  It’s official, Heather’s Cookies is in business.